Online Roulette Strategy Planning

At first glance, it might seem to you that there is not enough room for an online roulette strategy simply because the game itself seems very simple. You make your bets; the wheel is turning; the ball hits the slot, and if you are lucky, you earn money. You can’t influence in any way where the ball will fall during any rotation of the roulette wheel, so you can estimate that there is some luck in winning this game.

However, you can give yourself a slight advantage if you are careful when placing bets in each game. Different results give the house different percentages of advantage, and if you want to be a winner, you are advised to bet on these numbers or combinations of numbers that give the house the least advantage. Some of the most common betting models are betting only on red, several times on the 우리카지노 system, using a dozen bets and the strategy of the first and third column.


Only red bid

If you bet only on red for a total of 38 spins, the probability that the ball will fall into the red cell during this time is 47.37%. This means that if the wheel spins 38 times, it is possible that the ball will fall red ten times (99% probability). Since betting on red pays only money, this is not a good way to win.

Bet several times

This betting system is a bit more complicated. Here you bet on red and odd (or black and even) for each turn of the wheel. If the bet loses, double the bet; if he wins, set this bet back to 1. The idea of ​​this system is that there is a 25% chance to win both red and odd (or black and even) and a 50% chance of reaching the equilibrium point. However, this strategy is not so beneficial in long term because of the benefits of home and the fact that you have to play with an almost unlimited amount of money.

Casino system

In this system, you select a line on the betting board and use the numbers of previous spins to calculate the amount of your bet for the next spin, depending on whether the previous spin was losing or winning for you. If he wins with a certain number, he will cross out the external numbers and continue to play with a smaller line. If you lose on any spin, add the previous bet to the end of the line and work with a longer line. Many online roulette strategy experts claim that this system works well because it gives you some flexibility in creating your own game chain at the time.

Dozen bets

You can play two varieties of this roulette system: a dozen bets or a dozen bets. In a dozen bets, he will use increasing bets from the minimum table to the maximum allowed. The goal of this type of system is that you make a profit before the money runs out and apply a series of tactics, such as betting on the same dozen after you have played it twice, or betting on a dozen based on the last 5 knees A double dozen bets are played the same way, using more money and only half of the bet list.